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My Artwork

This is a picture of a colored pencil drawing I did of a leopard. I completed this drawing in my Independent Study art class my senior year of high school. While drawing this piece I grew in my ability to pay attention to small details. This drawing would not be what it is with out all of the tiny little details I added. 
This is a picture of a charcoal drawing of a Gorilla I drew. I completed this piece in my Independent Study art class my senior year of high school. While drawing this artwork I learned patience and how to "trust the process". In the beginning of drawing this piece I had low confidence in myself that it would turn out looking like anything, but I was patient and kept trusting the process. 
This is a picture of a colored pencil drawing of an owl I drew. I completed this drawing my junior year of high school while in my Art III. While drawing this piece I learned determination and patience. This piece is actually fairly large in size, so it took me about a month to complete. So had to be patient and just keep drawing.  

F.B.L.A. Club

In this picture on the right is AnnBenning Jones, and on the left is me(Skylar Owen). Pictured is the two of us practicing our Sales Presentation for our Region FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America) competition. In this competition we were required to pitch a product to the judges in attempt to sell the product to them.

Public Speaking

In both of these pictures is me representing the title of Miss Kentucky County Fair Teen 2019-2020. While holding this pageant title I had many opportunities to be a public speaker/ emcee in front of 100+ people at multiple pageants.

Styled Hair

In these pictures are two girls that I styled their hair for special events. While styling their hair for these events I learned time management, and got some good practice in for styling hair. 

© 2023 By Skylar Owen
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